9. The Birthday Party
Book Design ︎ Photography
The Birthday Party is a photobook that intends to observe the birthday celebration as a microcosm for the way the pandemic has affected all forms of face-to-face interaction. It captures how fundamental social connection is to human existence – even in a time of great difficulty, it found a way to adapt despite many limitations. The book was entirely photographed, written, designed and hand-crafted by me, in an edition of 8.
With Thanks to London Centre for Book Arts

190 mm x 150 mm ︎ Xerox Printed on GF Smith Gmund Blocker︎ 60 Page ︎ Casebound
The blank pages at the back of the book allow owners to add their own photos of pandemic birthday celebrations, constructing a dual narrative and reactivating the notion of the photo album. It is a printed record for posterity, a photo essay to look back on and rediscover what once became the new ‘normal’ for social connection. And to remind us to never take for granted: wearing silly party hats with family, dancing in a crowd of friends and the warm embrace of someone you love.